89 0f 90 Part 1

Day 89 of 90 brings the most significant bronch/biopsy in our schedule.Until the phone rings in the late afternoon with a confident voice relaying “A=0, B=0 “indicating no signs of rejection, my gut will stay on spin cycle. That is the last box to check before we change our address. Albeit always a hue of yellow in post transplant world, tomorrow the light changes to green and we will be say some “so longs” to some of most pivotal people now in our lives.

The doctor- patient privilege has evolved and been redefined. It seems to be an ongoing chess match where the goals are to spark compassion, challenge one another, and sew a connection so deep that the duo becomes the mark. From an orbital viewpoint it is a bit unclear who made the initial move. I can say it has been equally inspiring and caused a widespread behavior to be endorsed amongst an entire team and then some. Is it always this open between both sides? Doubtful but it could be. 
From the word go, these relationships are cautiously built. A looping back around after a 14 hour day because you kinda promised, sitting on the couch in jeans on a dressed down Friday, a suggestion on the to dos in the Lou, or best yet, the banter of baseball flags.I get hung up on this every single time. The “W” is forever impressed upon a hospital room window and my son still chuckles when he glances up at an office window where her flag proudly flies. That’s a doctor dropping the earned titles from her name and allowing a boy to be something more than a patient. Hopefully the practicing world of medicine has the capacity to understand how she just united the three circles of Treating, Caring, and Living. So powerful that in an instant, it can erase his fear and allow the tough talk to happen without any sweat. Connection made.

Add to this a demanding surgeon who always shakes a hand and chases it with a laugh. He continues to treat my son as his own, creating a positive spin on ownership. The fact he always seems to be in the halls indicates how heavy those hands influence the world. Compassion felt. 

With Pharmacology, Dietary, etc the transplant team tops over the brim with experience. The nurse practitioners dive past each expected mark, especially when the call for help is heard. A day in life would reveal just a glimpse of how much behind the scenes goes on. As such the case with an ID doc who all along had plan A through Z in case it got to be fourth and long. All individual leaders.

And the PT staff itself brings a unique element of strength. Some of best joints to grab a bite have been revealed during those one hour sessions. Indeed a different type of therapy that penetrates through more than muscle tissue and into the emotional side of life.

All of my years advocating and striving for the best could not have prepared me for this experience. Sure, I know him best, I’m an expert at my version of CF. But these people and many more have brought relief and allowed me to understand the ins and outs of transplant at the best speed. 


  1. Debbie says:

    I love your writing…I am so beyond happy for all of you!!!

  2. Marla Hamlin says:

    What a beautiful way to describe the feelings of the “wait” of the results. Always thinking of Will! Always praying for Will.

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